Monday, 2 July 2012

Friday Late Unbuilt

Last Friday Night Late theme was unbuilt, to tie in with the current Thomas Heatherwick exhibition. His work includes a exterior window display for Harvey Nichols of exposed wooden legs. He also recently redesigned the red london bus. In the main entrance was a installation which consisted of light up florusecent tubes, with ipads hanging down.

The evening explored the interplay between architecture and the visual arts. Ranging from the current pop-up phenomenon of temporary installations, to film, performance, music and workshops, Friday Late presents a wide range of projects where experimenting at the boundary of art and architecture forms the primary source of inspiration.

The workshop in the art studio was by the artist: Slinkachu, where you could create your own minature figure from plasticene. Drink, Shop & Do in collaboration with Slinkachu: Big Invasion of Small Sculptures 18.30 – 21.30 Make your very own Slinkachu-inspired miniature figurine and explore scale by creating a micro scenario in the vast spaces of the V&A. Use your smart phone to photograph and email your best image to by 21.30. The three best images will win a copy of Slinkachu’s book, and a selection of images will be available to view on the Drink, Shop & Do website and the V&A’s Facebook page. The last four photographs at the end are by Slinkachu.